Compettions 2021!!
Respect your opponent be gald of your opportunites and fight with the 100 per cent of your honesty!!
We want to say all levels going for a competition
If you just started and wants to competive , we really support you!!
BJJ All Levels
Professor Renan Silva
(Goald Coast )

Classic jiu-jitsu Competition

Queensland Championships 2021

Talei Quaedvlieg
David Rutherford
(Goald Coast )
Bailey Theobald
We are so happy and so proud of each of you!! We believe in each of you!!
We just participate of competitions to Learn more and Inprove ourselves and our techinques to became better and better next time!!
We take serios here but also have a lot of fun trainning!!
We want to say a huge thank you for each of you that came to support our team!! We are all a huge and so unique family!!

We believe that everyone can do it and we trust that everyone can achieve there goals and Dreams!!
and now lets get ready for the next oneeeee!!
We got this always together!!
In the name of Galeb Brothers BJJ
Galeb Brothers BJJ Goald Coast
Galeb Brothers BJJ Southside
Galeb Borthers Helensvale
Galeb Brotethers Toowoomba